Saturday, January 29, 2011

SOCA returns

SOCA's back in session for the semester. We did two long poses this time instead of several shorter ones. My first run didn't go so great, so this is the only one that's decent.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

something new

A bit of zen drawing. I've been bogged down in digital work, and wanted to do something in ink. Nothing terribly special, but I'm fond of how it ended up turning out. I'd like to try my hand at more ink work when I have time opportunity.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Perdition box wrap

A little late, mostly because I finished finals and then disappeared off to upstate NY for vacation. Here's the packaging treatment for my game design project. It looks so official. :P

Thanks so much to Blotaren on DA for making the template for the Xbox 360 cover wrap. It saved me hours of time.