Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Destroyer

This was my final project for my game design group project. I created our doomsday machine for a steampunk RPG set in British occupied India. It's Shiva incarnate as Nataraja, the destroyer. Lots of fun, but super tedious. More or less happy with the final product.

art nouveau

The Last of my art history monsters, I wanted to go out with a much loved point in art history. This one is my Art Nouveau monster. What I wanted to do was make a rather ungraceful monster look so through the use of the stylistic themes of the genre. I had a lot of fun with this one. The text says "Fat monster" in french. Everything was had drawn either in ink or Ps, including the text.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shiva WIP 2

quick lighting washes of color to keep things consistent. but here's the more or less final design. No more WIPs until it's done. :P